Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Steps to protecting our children

Step 1: Learn the facts
Realities—not trust—should influence your decisions regarding your child.

Step 2: Minimize Opportunity
If you eliminate or reduce one-adult/one-child situations, you’ll
dramatically lower the risk of sexual abuse for your child.

Step 3: Talk about it
Children often keep abuse a secret, but barriers can be broken down
by talking openly about it.

Step 4: Stay Alert
Don’t expect obvious signs when a child is being sexually abused.

Step 5: Make a Plan
Learn where to go, who to call and how to react.

Step 6: Act on Suspicions
The future well-being of a child is at stake.

Step 7: Get involved
Volunteer and financially support organizations that fight the tragedy
of child sexual abuse.


  1. many parent or people can use this step to protecting their children for child abuse.how about you all...have any idea or step to protect children?

  2. hi .. I agree with the steps given .. but whether parents will be followed? this because if angry parents can not control their feelings and children become victims ..

    BY MIMI FARIZA (A123874)

  3. hi .. I think counseling should be given to the problem of abuse in involve this ... because this problem is a serious problem and can cause death if not handled .. children who become victims ..

    BY MIMI FARIZA (A123874)

  4. hi .. the responsible parties should monitor this problem .. if not fatality of children in this problem will continue to increase ..

    BY MIMI FARIZA (A123874)
